"Superb Customer Service" in memory of Keith Woods,
2/27/54 - 6/25/07 – Director of Customer Service

6/25/07 – Keith Woods, former Director of Customer Service for our Company, departed today after a fierce battle with terminal cancer. We are saddened and grieved by this world’s loss, as well as our own. Our hearts go out to Keith’s wife Carol and his direct family; his mother, Patricia, sisters – Janet, Kelly, Babe and brother Dale. He was equally close to his Mother-in-Law, Charlotte and sister-in-law, Linda. Keith was called Casey by his family and close friends. His professional talents were broad and he handled a significant work load managing and caring for the most important part of our business – our customers. His consummate skill at handling any situation with outcomes that were always “win / win” was unsurpassed. With technical savvy and aesthetic creativity, much of our web site reflects the talents of our good friend and valued co-worker. His daily interactions with fellow employees were always positive and made our work environment family friendly, yet productive.

Co-founder and long time friend, Gregg Yawman, said, “Casey’s contribution was instrumental to the initial success of our humble beginnings. I never met a more selfless man who sincerely cared for others above himself the way Casey did. He was extremely talented as well. His impact was felt in nearly every aspect of our business and will undoubtedly remain for years to come. We will be hard pressed to ever fill this loss. Our prayers go out to his family and close friends as we share in their grief.”

Keith was laid to rest on Saturday, June 30th, at St. Mary’s, Maryland on the bank of the St. Mary’s River next to his father. This beautiful place, near his former home of Lexington Park, remained close to his heart and was a constant reminder of his college days, good times and good friends at St. Mary’s College.

Keith – we all love you more than you know and we miss you. You live forever now in our hearts. God’s peace!

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